allegra-k wholesale allegra-k wholesale

Our Promise

  • Wholesale Discount
  • Official Authentic
  • Influencers' Favorite
  • One-to-one Service
  • Wholesale Discount
  • Official Authentic
  • Influencers' Favorite
  • One-to-one Service

Wholesale Discount

  • wholesale discount
  • wholesale discount
  • wholesale discount
  • wholesale discount
  • wholesale discount
  • wholesale discount

How to Join

  • Inquiry
  • Quote
  • Payment
  • Shipping
  • Delivery

Wholesale Inquiry

To receive more information about our pricing or to receive a quote on a potential order, submit your inquiry and provide as many specifics regarding the order as possible.


Contact Us


Wholesale Policy

1. What is the minimum quantity of a wholesale order?
There is no minimum order quantity!
2. Do You Offer Samples?
Samples are available for purchase at the unit price. Free samples and free shipping are not offered.
3. Is it acceptable for resell?
Wholesale for resell is acceptable while we are not approving any resell on any third-party platforms like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Postmark etc. The MSRP is listed on our retail site
4. Do you offer embroidery/customization services on your products?
▪ We offer customized items for part of the products. Please kindly know that an extra fee is needed.
▪ We don't offer embroidery for our products. You can purchase our products and add your embroidery by yourself.
▪ All clothing listed on will have Allegra K® label on them and be shipped in Allegra K® package. Specific label or package requirement would only be applicable for customized items.


1. How long will it take to receive the wholesale order?
Normally,we need 2-5 business days to process a wholesale orders,and we need 10-30 business days to deliver the orders. Please note that the processing and shipping time may be longer for a larger order.
2. Do I need to pay for the shipping fee?
Wholesale orders do not qualify for free shipping, we will notify you the shipping fee after acquiring your inquiry.

Return Policy

1. Can I apply for 30-days return for wholesale orders?
▪ For wholesale orders, we provide 30 days after-sales service, please click here to check more information. If you are not satisfied with the products you receive, please contact our customer service via, we will provide a suitable solution according to your situation.
▪ For return / refund requests, you can request a refund of up to 70% of the item amount, while 30% of the order amount will be non-refundable as order premium.
2. Who is responsible for return shipping fee?
If you want to return an item that not under Allegra K® responsibility, your need to pay for the return shipping fee.